Connection from a  virtual Azure server  to a file storage fails


since last Thuresday I cannot connect the virtual Azure Server with the file storage via "net use".

I need this connection to work with the files, but

net use F: \\<storage account>\<share> /u:<storage account> <storage key>

does not work any more. So I can do nothing with the storage, although the storage for itself is working fine and the virtual Azure-Server is also working fine for itself, but no connection can be established.

Does anybody have an idea what there can be done? It worked fine up to last Wednesday but no all tries to assign a letter to the storage failed. I have not changed the configuration of the Server or the file storage.

Many thanks in advance for any kind of help.

Robert Walz

  • Edited by WalzRobe Monday, December 22, 2014 6:17 PM
December 22nd, 2014 6:13pm

Hi Robert,

For the error 'System error 1231 has occurred':

And if it comes with error message 'The network location cannot be reached', you could refer the following links: error 1231 has occurred. The network location cannot be reached.


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December 24th, 2014 2:13pm

This is also what I did. I rebuilded the VM because other suggestions have been not successful. After rebuilding, the connection worked again. But I agree, this is not a satisfactory solution.


Robert Walz

March 10th, 2015 4:39am

Had the same issue.  Came across the following:

Followed the instructions and uninstalled unused adapters and rebooted.  Mapped drives now work.



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March 27th, 2015 6:39am

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